
Welcome to This N That!

It's a new year and it's time for some new things! In the last 5-6 years there have been allot of new things in my life. So why not add a bit more with a blog?

I met the love of my life, we got married, we moved into the house we'd been working on for many years and we had a daughter. Did I mention the company that I worked for for 20 years closed and went out of business? And that I had our daughter at 40?

So much change is a lot for anyone to deal with but most of the change has been good. I just needed to come to grips with it all. I needed to change my mentality that I didn't work for a company anymore. I work to keep my family and myself happy and healthy.

I went from being very independent and taking care of myself to being home caring for a husband and baby during a pandemic.

It's not been an easy road worrying about family and friends, but loved ones and new milestones and activities certainly have helped immensely.

Over the last few years I've learned how to cook so much better, I've grown our own food and I've done more artwork and crafts than I have in years!

Mentally, there were some real hard downs but there were some wonderful ups as well.

In this new year I've started fresh with a gratitude journal and positive quotes that start my day and it has been a huge help! I also try to exercise 5 days a week as I try to lose those last 30ish lbs this year that don't seem to want to go away!

This is the year that when I fall, I get up, brush myself off and I grow wiser and give myself more self love. I'm trying to stay away from too much negativity.

I hope that you will enjoy my entries!

Stay safe and be well 
