It's not all Pumpkin Spice and everything nice!

When September 1st rolls around, many people cannot wait to bring out the pumpkins! The stores are visually loaded with fall items and radio and TV ads switch from cookouts and beach scenes to leaf removal and trying out new fall coffee flavors. 

 For some of us, the coming of fall is like the coming of doomsday... 

Seasonal depression is a real thing for many people. The shorter and cooler days and the lack of light, signals that our long, warm, sunny days of summer are over. Fall isn't enjoyed like it could be because we are too busy stressing about fall being the gateway to winter. 

 My husband and I both suffer with mild cases of seasonal depression. We get grouchy and irritable. The darker days make it harder to get out of bed in the morning and they make us tired, sluggish and un motivated. We tend to eat more, often without even realizing it. I've always said that I'm like a lizard. I need the warmth of the sun to keep me active. While I was tired but energized in the summer, I struggle to get tasks done in fall and winter. My productivity sometimes gets cut down to almost half, if I'm not careful.

 I get frustrated with seasonal depression because I like being happy and busy. I don't want to be depressed or lazy. I want to continue on with the chaotic energy and drive of the summer months. Sure, it's tiring going from 7am to 11pm mostly all spring and summer but I feel good at the end of the day for accomplishing a lot.

 Over the years, I've been trying to change how I view and deal with fall and winter. It was really difficult when I was working retail and we were putting fall and winter products out in June and July. Now that I'm a stay at home mom, I'm living the seasons within the seasons. That has been a huge help in itself. Light therapy is a way doctors treat seasonal depression. You sit in front of a special light box for about 30 minutes a day since lack of light is a major contributor of seasonal depression. Years ago, I changed all of my lights to daylight and LED bulbs. That has helped keep the house really bright and helps combat the gloom of northern winters. I've also been taking more vitamin D in the darker months and I have noticed an improvement in my energy level. 

 Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor so please see a doctor about what may work for you if you suffer from seasonal depression. 

 I'm planning to add more active time each day. I thrived with lists at work, so I've created a daily and weekly cleaning list as well as a list for running home projects. As my mom will attest, I'm a messy person. Or I WAS a messy person. I'm working on changing that! I've always been good about the basics such as cleaning sinks, toilets, counters, the tub. Getting laundry done in a timely manner. I clean up messes and spills right away. I'm always sweeping and using using the hand held vacuum. I'm a clutter and pile person. I make piles that sit around for quite a while. Papers, clothes, art supplies from a project I started and didn't finish. It doesn't help that my husband is the same way. I have watched a lot of Youtube videos about how to stay organized. Those have helped tremendously!  I've done so much purging, donating and tossing over the last 2 weeks. Getting older and being a mother now (my priorities have shifted), I realize I don't need so much stuff. I'm not using it all or enjoying it, so it can go! It's not only freeing to get rid of things, it's giving me a house that's easier to keep clean AND it's keeping me busy! I'm looking at what I can remove from the house or what I can label and organize next. Therefore I'm not worrying about the seasons!

Another way to stay active is exercise and fun activities. I already exercise for about 25-30 minutes in the morning 5-6 days which gets my motivation going for the day.  I plan to add fun exercise, like dancing to music with my daughter, as well as making sure we stay active with play-doh, painting, blocks etc to keep our minds going too. On the days it's decent out, maybe an afternoon walk! 

I'm also keeping myself busy with new content for the blog and my new upcoming Youtube channel. 

This year I want to concentrate on enjoying fall instead of thinking about how much I miss the summer.  I live in New England and I love when the leaves change colors. I love pumpkins and apples. So I'm going to try and enjoy those things this year. 

 Here's to a less depressing fall and winter!

 Stay safe and be well
