It's been a while! Lots of new updates!


Welcome! If you were following when I started my blog earlier this year, welcome back! If you're new to my blog, Welcome!

It's been quite a few months since I updated my blog. Having an active little one keeps me very busy, as does helping my husband with our hay business. I also sell antiques, toys, clothing and more online in my Mercari shop, so I am always on the go! Many times from 7am until 11pm.

Since my last update, I've worked on getting healthier and losing weight, as well as taking time for myself. These are things that can be very difficult for us moms, especially new moms .This has been a very healthy journey for me, that I'm still continuing on.

I gained weight from my pregnancy and then combined with staying home during the pandemic I had a hard time getting back to the weight I wanted to be at. I didn't lose what I wanted to but I also wasn't putting in too much effort. I was giving most of my focus to my family and not enough to myself. I tried doing low carb again but it was not a healthy way for me to lose weight. In the past, I just gained it all back and then some! I was miserable having to give up my favorite things to eat. I wanted something sustainable.

I discovered calorie deficit on a Facebook group and decided to give it a try. This is finding what your calorie intake should be for your age, height, current weight and activity level. You figure this information out with this calculator and then eat 500 calories less. ( Just eat 1200 or more total each day. Anything less is unhealthy)

I started eating more fresh unprocessed foods, while still having a few snacks I enjoyed. I didn't feel like I was going without, so this wasn't as hard for me to do as the low carb diet in the past. I combined this with exercising 5-6 times a week for 25-30 minutes with this workout session. (I used to line dance every Saturday with my husband before our little one, so this helps fill a void) I wanted to get back into shape and I find exercising makes me feel better all day.

Between the deficit and exercising I lost 28 lbs from April to July. I've also maintained the weight loss for almost 2 months now. This type of eating gave me the tools to understand portions, as well as the importance of eating wholesome food that is better for me in the long term. I feel like a new person back in my favorite pre-pregnancy clothes. I feel good about how I look. I feel great too. Less aches and pains and less headaches!

Being a mom and spouse, we are often guilty of not taking time for ourselves. We get caught up in housework, meals, errands, work outside the home and things that need to be done for our children and spouses. Many of us feel guilty about taking time for ourselves.

The thing is that we NEED time for ourselves. Whether it's having a cup of coffee, doing yoga or exercises for 10 minutes or more, reading a book, watching a favorite TV show or doing arts or music.

These things help keep us going so that we can continue to do the important work we need to do as a mother and spouse. It's also food for our soul. All work and no play can lead to depression and health issues not to mention irritability with our spouse and/or children at home.

So this year, I started taking time for myself.

-I workout 25-30 minutes each morning while my daughter watches PBS.

- I signed up for 2 paid art classes over zoom to help me improve my art skills. This was done after my daughter went to bed and was 2 hours every other week. My homework was done a few nights a week during her bedtime.

-I watch a little TV, or read a book before bed

-I dedicate time for art and crafts.

Doing these small things for myself, was the key to have successful more positive days. I'm a much happier and more productive mother, wife and person in general!

In addition to beconing healthier, I've also started to work on something I have wanted to do for years, which is create my own brand and feature blogs and Youtube videos on things I enjoy sharing with others. This will include tips for mothers, recipes, tips and hacks for saving money and organizing, arts and crafts projects DIY and more. 

I'm so excited to work on this new project! Look for new content and videos coming soon!

Be safe and be well!
