A Food Journey

We all love to eat... Well, many of us do! But we don't all enjoy cooking. That was definitely me. Unlike my younger sister, who cooked with my mom, if it wasn't licking the frosting off the spatula, I wasn't interested! I would rather be out cutting the lawn or working on projects with my dad.

When I moved out, I realized I needed to learn to cook! Nightly home cooked meals by my mom were in the past now and I needed to eat better than boxed food or eggs. One day, I was flipping through the channels and I started watching a cooking show with Gordon Ramsey. It got my interest and before I knew it, I was watching ALL his shows. I started experimenting with food a bit.

In my mid 30s I got together with the man who would become my husband and other half. My husband has a healthy appetite and I wanted him to have good meals.

Before long I was finding recipes online and giving them a try. I can follow directions, so after learning cooking terminology, I started getting pretty good at cooking! I've created a decent sized binder full of online recipes and ones from magazines.It's my own personalized recipe book! I've even started experimenting and tweaking recipes to our tastes.

Now that we have a little one, she also really enjoys eating, so I've really expanded my culinary skills. I made all her pureed food when she was 6-12 months old. I've even started making my own tomato sauce and pasta sauce with tomatoes from my garden!

The latest thing I purchased, was a Ninja 5 in 1 grill to replace my tiny Phillips air-fryer. The little air-fryer was great when it was just my husband and I, but since I air-fry so much more, it was way too small for a family of 3. I also wanted an indoor grill. This Ninja eliminates having too many appliances. It's a game changer. I was in a slump about making different meals and now I'm all excited to try new things.

I've also gotten better with baking which I was always terrible with. My new Kitchen Aid mixer certainly helps. I made cookies and fudge from scratch for family for the holidays, something I never would have done in the past.

It's been an interesting food journey for me. Along the way, I've learned that things I wouldn't eat in the past, I actually enjoy if they are cooked to a certain temperature. I've also stopped eating some foods, that I LOVED when I was younger because my tastes have changed. 

Regardless, I feel really good about keeping my family fed with good healthy meals.

Be safe and be well!


** I am an Amazon affiliate so I may earn a small commission on sales of items purchased from links on my blog and social media pages. Buying any items does not cost you anything additional. It helps support my family. I only share products that I use and like myself!
